
在我们庆祝运动训练月的时候, we’re dipping into our archive to highlight some of our most exciting AT tales — but we’re also featuring some new ones, 太. 是这样的:  

Alumnus Begins Year Two as Head Athletic Trainer for UK Football


这是不同的一年——肩负着更多责任的一年. 这一年我们有更多的决策和沟通.

整体, 这是不同的, 埃文·格里斯科维茨说, the director of Sports Medicine and the Head Football Athletic Trainer for the 火狐体育下注. He was hired into the position in 2023, and last year was his first full football season in the role.

“你知道,一切都要多一点点?这位特拉华州纽瓦克人说. “And you’re giving the coaches and staff daily updates on who’s in, 是谁了, 以及对受伤球员的期望.”

Griskowitz attended the University of Delaware and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in athletic training. He was fortunate to serve as a two-year seasonal intern for the Seattle Seahawks NFL team.

然后他来到火狐体育下注 运动训练研究生项目. After finishing, he made a one-year stop at Eastern Kentucky University before returning to UK. 去年, the Wildcats’ previous head football athletic trainer left to take the same job for the NFL’s Pittsburgh Steelers.

格里斯科维茨提出了申请,并得到了这份工作. 今年5月,他将在火狐体育下注开始他的第七个赛季. 更及时, 春季足球今天开始, and Griskowitz will start Year Two in Lexington as the Wildcats’ head Athletic Trainer and Director of Sports Medicine.

我们追上他谈谈过去的事, 未来,也许最重要的是现在, as he continues to navigate the world of his new profession.

以下是Evan Griskowitz的7个问题, the director of Sports Medicine and Head Football Athletic Trainer for the 火狐体育下注:


1. 是什么让你从事运动训练的?

EG: Like everybody says, I played sports in high school, and I got injured. I knew what athletic trainers did, but I really came into undergrad wanting to do physical therapy. 不管出于什么原因, I chose to get into the athletic training program at (the University of) Delaware.

这是一个竞争非常激烈的项目. 大一的时候大概有60个学生, 最后的班级是15到20人, depending on who they take going into the sophomore year. So, the competitive nature in me just kind of drove me to want to make it into the program.

And then I was lucky enough to get a summer internship with the Seattle Seahawks after my freshman year. 很明显, 这是一项艰苦的工作, but getting to see what the athletic trainers do at the highest level is awesome, 所以我就爱上了它.



2. 是什么让你对足球产生了兴趣?

EG: 我从小就踢足球.

我爸爸是个超级足球迷. 所以,我们全家总是在看足球比赛. 我们就是喜欢这项运动.


3. 什么风把你吹到火狐体育下注来了?

EG: 是的, 你提到特拉华州真有趣, but we almost always have had a pipeline from Delaware undergraduate school to UK grad school. It was kind of just one of those opportunities that you heard about as an undergrad at Delaware.

我认识一些去了火狐体育下注的学生. 他们回到特拉华工作, and they always talked about the camaraderie of the program at UK. And our program director knew some of the staff and professors here.

他们都告诉我那有多棒. I came here and interviewed for the grad position, and I just knew this was the place for me.

Once I was able to get the opportunity, I couldn't pass it up. 这是一所很棒的学校.

当然, 除了AT项目, 我只知道肯塔基赛马, 伍德福德储备和肯德基.


4. 这就引出了你的职业生涯. 你毕业于火狐体育下注吗?. 然后呢??

EG: 我被东火狐体育下注录用了。. I was the assistant athletic trainer down there for football and golf. My first day on the job was the first day of training camp. It was a really good experience just trying to figure it all out. 这是一场旋风,但我们被卷入其中.

The head athletic trainer and I, we had a great relationship. 直到今天我们仍然是好朋友. 我在那里工作了将近一年, and then was lucky enough to get hired back here at UK as an assistant.

Then I got the opportunity to rise in the ranks and be the director and head football athletic trainer after just a couple of years. 我一直非常非常幸运.


5. What’s your typical day like when you’re prepping for the season’s first game?

EG: 是啊,这要看是哪天了. But we might have workouts starting that day at 6:30 or 7 in the morning. And then we’re going to do treatments around the workouts, 试着在孩子们上课前把他们叫进来. Until midday, the guys will go to class, so we'll do some administrative work during the day.

And then, around noon, things start to pick back up again. We have pre-practice treatments, taping, things like that. 然后,他们会开一个小时的会. So, then, it's out to practice, for an hour and a half, and then after that, it's post-practice. 我们做一个医生诊所和一些更多的治疗.

We’re here until 7 o'clock, sometimes later, depending on the night. 工作时间很长很长.

But for everybody in the building, we're all working to achieve the common goal. 我们都在全力以赴. 这是我喜欢它的一点. It's just everybody is so invested — that makes it mean so much more when you win, or you lose. 每个人都很投入.

我喜欢这份工作. It’s extremely strenuous and grueling, but I couldn't imagine doing anything else.


6. Since the (Buffalo Bills NFL player) Damar Hamlin incident, where he suffered cardiac arrest on the field and was saved by athletic trainers during a Monday Night Football game last season, 你看到这个职业越来越受关注了吗? 或者增加对它的尊重?

EG: 我不确定我是否看到了直接的影响, 据你所知, an increase in interest in pursuing a career in athletic training. 显然,布法罗比尔队的工作人员做得非常出色.  

But I think it helps spotlight our profession and it shines a more positive light on the important things we do and the things that we're prepared for. These people are out there saving people's lives, you know?


7. Lastly, what makes UK such a great place for aspiring athletic trainers?

EG: I think the unique thing about UK is the relationship between the academic staff and the athletic staff. It's extremely important to have a good relationship there, because we're going to be working together to help these students grow, 这就是研究生院的情况.

我在课堂上有很好的学术基础, and then got great guidance from the athletic training staff to be able to practice the things I was learning in class — and then get some additional experience.


