
关于……博士的5个问题. 火狐体育下注穆斯林亲和组织的赛义德·阿里说


For many worldwide, the Islamic month of Ramadan is associated only with fasting and prayer. 但它的意义远不止于此——尤其是对一些教员而言, 健康科学学院的教职员工和学生.  

伊斯兰历的第九个月, Muslims believe Ramadan is about connecting with God and their communities. It is believed that the Quran was first sent down to Muhammad during this month as guidance for all people, 提供对与错的定义.

因为这个深刻的含义, 从3月10日晚上开始,穆斯林将庆祝斋月, 并在4月9日晚上结束——以多种方式结束. 是的, 禁食和祷告, 努力避免不纯洁的思想或不道德的行为也是如此.

这是一个特殊的时刻,但也是一个可能被误解的时刻. 为了获得清晰的思路和启示,我们已经联系了Dr. 赛义德·阿里·, associate professor of anesthesiology and chair of UK’s 教师 and 工作人员 Muslim Affinity Group. 

随着斋月的临近,我们有5个问题要问. 赛义德·阿里·:


1. 你能给我们对斋月的描述补充些什么吗? 我们是否准确地描述了它?

我想我们可以在这个神圣的月份里强调这一点, 所有健全的成年人, 大一点的孩子从黎明禁食到日落,不吃东西, 水, 以及其他生理需求, as well as the striving to avoid impure thoughts or immoral behavior during the daylight hours. 每天晚上以开斋晚餐结束斋戒. 这个一年一度的纪念活动是精神反思的重要时刻, 自律, 以及对上帝的虔诚.


2. 那些遵守斋月的人将面临怎样的挑战啊?

Here are some common challenges that people may face while observing Ramadan:

  • Fasting: Although those who are medically incapable of fasting are exempted from observing the fasts, it can be challenging even for those who are not habituated and fear to carry out their daily activities.
  • 保持肌肤水润
  • Social obligations: Fasting can make it difficult to participate in social events that revolve around 食物 and drink. This can be challenging for those who are accustomed to socializing during mealtimes.
  • Lack of sleep: Engaging in spiritual activities by staying up late and waking up early in the morning to eat before the fast begins, 会导致睡眠不足和疲劳吗.
  • 保持专注:能量水平下降,饥饿感加剧, it can be difficult for many people at work to maintain focus and productivity throughout the day, 直到他们适应了这个新阶段.

值得注意的是,虽然这些挑战可能存在, many people find Ramadan to be a deeply rewarding and spiritually enriching experience. With proper preparation and support from family and community, many of these challenges are overcome.


3. What are the range of observances that we might see from those who observe? Is there any flexibility within the rules… for instance, at times of particular external situations?

全世界的穆斯林都遵守斋月. The range of observances during Ramadan can vary based on cultural and individual practices, 但这里有一些常见的仪式,人们可能会看到:

  • 斋戒:斋月期间最著名的做法是禁食, 包括从早到晚不吃不喝, 以及不道德的行为.
  • 祈祷:穆斯林在斋月期间增加他们的祈祷, with many attending special congregational prayers at night called Taraweeh.
  • Quranic recitation: Many Muslims aim to read the entire Quran during Ramadan at least once, 或者至少是其中很大一部分.
  • 慈善捐赠:斋月也是增加慈善捐赠的时间, with many Muslims donating to charitable organizations or individuals in need.
  • 开斋:穆斯林通常集体开斋, 加枣和水, 然后是一顿叫做开斋饭的短餐. 这顿饭通常是家人和朋友的集体聚会.
  • Increased spiritual reflection: Many Muslims use Ramadan as a time for increased spiritual reflection, 自我完善, 以及与上帝更深的联系.
  • Eid ul-Fitr: The end of Ramadan is marked by a “thanksgiving” celebration called Eid ul-Fitr, 包括祈祷, 食物, 和庆祝活动.

是的, there is some flexibility within the rules of Ramadan observance for individuals who are facing external situations. While the observance of Ramadan is a religious obligation for Muslims who are physically and mentally able to fast, 在某些情况下,豁免可能适用. 例如, 那些正在旅行的人, 怀孕了, 护理, or have a medical condition that prevents them from fasting may be exempt from fasting. 在这种情况下, they may either make up for the missed fasts at a later time or provide compensation by feeding a needy person for each missed day.

The rules of Ramadan observance are intended to accommodate individuals who are facing circumstances, and it’s always best to consult with a religious authority or a healthcare professional for guidance on how to properly observe Ramadan while prioritizing one’s health and wellbeing.


4. How can we, as faculty, 工作人员 和学生, best support those who are observing Ramadan?

作为教师, 工作人员, 和学生, 我们最能支持那些遵守斋月的人的方式就是同情他们, 尊重, 以及对他们宗教信仰和习俗的理解. 这里有一些实用的方法来支持他们:

  • Be aware of the dates of fasting: The month of Ramadan follows the Islamic calendar which is lunar based; therefore, 每年的日期都不一样. Familiarize yourself with the dates of Ramadan so that you can plan accordingly.
  • Respect fasting: Be 尊重ful of their decision to fast and try to avoid scheduling events or meetings during mealtimes.
  • 提供住宿:如果可能的话, 为禁食的人提供住宿, such as a private space to pray or a designated area for breaking the fast.
  • Offer moral support: Offer support to those who are observing Ramadan by expressing your appreciation for their commitment to their faith and asking if there is anything you can do to help them during this time.
  • Be flexible: Muslims who are observing Ramadan may need to adjust their schedules to accommodate their religious obligations. 如果可能的话,要灵活变通.
  • Be mindful of cultural sensitivity: Avoid making assumptions about those who are observing Ramadan. 问问题,了解他们的传统和习俗.

还记得, the most important thing you can do to support those who are observing Ramadan is to be 尊重ful and understanding of their religious beliefs and practices.


5. Is there anything else we need to say to inform, or to clarify anything about this special time? 我们忘了什么吗??

作为医疗保健提供者, it is important to work with our Muslim patients and coworkers during the month of Ramadan. We can provide guidance on healthy eating habits during non-fasting hours and advise on medication and treatment management. It is also essential to 尊重 and support our patients' religious practices during this season.

Culturally, Muslims may be greeted on the occasions of onset of Ramadan as well as at the end of it. In the beginning of the month the usual greeting is “Ramadan Mubarak” [Blessed Ramadan], 或“斋月Kareem”(慷慨的斋月). 斋月结束的时候, 这一天被称为开斋节, 或者是斋戒盛宴, 人们互道“开斋节”或“开斋节快乐/祝福”!”

