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健康科学学院本科生研究计划 提供了一个 人体健康科学本科研究证书. 的 purpose of this program is to encourage and recognize undergraduate students who devote a significant portion of their undergraduate education to scholarly and research pursuits within the 健康科学学院. 的 人体健康科学本科研究证书 provides any 火狐体育下注 undergraduate student with the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge in interdisciplinary clinical, 平移, 以及人体健康科学领域的基础研究. This certificate will enhance the educational goals of any 火狐体育下注 student interested in obtaining experience in health-related research to benefit their pursuit of a 医疗保健-related career. 



  • 至少是第二学期的新生.
  • 最少3个.0的绩点.
  • Active participation in a research lab and a required statement from a faculty research mentor confirming that (1) you are currently working in their lab, (2)他们愿意为你的证书提供指导.
    • 的se criteria are required because of the experiential nature of the UG research certificate program. 
  • 最后, a completed application must be submitted through the 健康科学学院 本科研究 web portal (see link at bottom of this page).

Before beginning any lab work or research experience, all students will be required to:

  • 向主程序注册 火狐体育下注本科研究办公室 接收资金和演讲机会的更新.
  • Complete human subjects protection and responsible conduct in research training.
    • 如果学生正在研究动物或动物组织, the student may substitute human subjects training with some form of animal welfare training through IACUC. 
  • Complete web-based lab safety modules as needed and directed by their faculty mentor.

Requirements to Earn the 本科研究 (UGR) Certificate in 人类健康科学

  1. A total of 12-15 credit hours will be required for the CHS UGR Certificate. All required courses for the certificate must be completed with an overall GPA of a 3.0 or better and each course within the certificate must be completed with at least a C or better.  Courses can be adapted to accommodate students enrolled in the Honors Program as requested. 的 courses that comprise these 12-15 hours for the certificate are described below and include the following:
    • HHS 454(3学分)
    • HHS 455(6到9学分)
    • Any 300-Level 3 credit course that meets the requirements for an out-of-discipline class (see description below)
  2. 除了这些课程学分, the student must participate in some form of research dissemination (oral or poster presentation, 手稿准备, 点燃了审查, 讲座, 等.). 的 form of research dissemination required for a given student will be left up to the faculty mentor in consultation with the student.

证书课程 & 活动

1.  本科研究(UGR)证书 课程要求:

  • HHS 454:人类健康科学研究(3学时)
    This course provides an introduction to basic methods for undertaking research on issues related to health, 医疗保健, 以及在卫生服务组织和系统内.
  • HHS 455:健康科学研究经验(6 - 9学时)
    HHS 455 provides the student with the opportunity to engage in independent work devoted to research on a specific problem with the goal of challenging the student to synthesize concepts from his/her total program and relate them to his/her specific field of research interest.  Students work under the direction of a faculty mentor in an area of mutual scientific interest. Student and mentor collaborate to develop a research contract that outlines the expectations of the research experience, including a description of the experience with goals and objectives and tasks for completing the objectives with timelines and criteria (with percentages) for assessment. 作为HHS 455课程的一部分, students will also engage in additional activities deemed necessary by the faculty mentor, 包括参加导师的实验小组/期刊俱乐部, IRB或IACUC协议准备, 与导师讨论与研究伦理相关的话题, 以及在科学会议上的额外演讲经验, 等. 的se additional activities are varied and flexible and are meant to involve the student in the scientific life and culture of the mentor's lab. 
  • 违纪课程(3学时)  (课程必须达到300级或更高)
    的 student and mentor will collaborate together to select an out-of-discipline course (ODC) to meet this requirement of the certificate program. 对于算作ODC的课程,必须满足以下条件:
    • 课程必须是300级以上的课程.
    • 课程必须至少3学分.
    • 所选课程不能来自学生的主要专业. 
    • 的 selected course may come from any program on campus and must be related to the student’s research work.
      • 例如, a student with a major in communication sciences and disorders interested in the effects of preterm birth on family stress might take a course in sociology (A&解析:选A&S)或卫生保健导航(HHS). 另外, a student interested in aging muscle might take a course in gerontology (GRN), 公共卫生(CPH), 或生理学(ANA).
      • 的 connection between the selected course and its application to the area of research the student is currently engaged in must be clearly linked in the agreement between the student and faculty mentor.
      • 在考虑课程选择时, the student and mentor are responsible for obtaining any necessary instructor consent prior to student enrollment. 

2.  传播活动要求-演讲-稿件准备: 

  • 最后, 除了上面列出的课程要求之外, 申请UGR证书的学生必须至少完成 下列之一:
    • 向目标群体(如.g. professional meetings, journal clubs, other scientific or clinical meetings), or
    • 为区域/国家/国际会议制作海报; or
    • 与导师一起撰写手稿; or
    • 写一篇学术文献综述.
    • Other forms of research dissemination will be allowed with prior approval from the CHS Director of 本科研究. 

To view a sample checklist of the requirements needed for the CHS UGR Certificate, please 按此(pdf).
