

Applicants must demonstrate that they are a well-rounded individual that can also manage the challenging academic load of an HHS student. Students’ essays are very important in the review process so students should spend time to produce quality essays.

对学生的申请进行全面审查. 学生在高中的成绩, 经验深度, as well as the quality of essay responses and their alignment with the mission and goals of the program are evaluated by reviewers. The admissions committee selects the final cohort of students offered seats in the program.

There are many majors on campus from which a student can choose and identify as pre-med, 包括美国卫生和公众服务部. Our many pre-med HHS students typically choose our “General” track to prepare for their professional education.

是的, it is easy to switch tracks within the HHS program if you choose to pursue a different career path. You will work with your advisor to ensure you take the appropriate pre-requisites for your track.


You should indicate your intent to accept or decline the invitation to the HHS program by completing the Statement of Intent. 您还应该确保在火狐体育下注注册BBN Orientation日期. If you are interested in living in our Interprofessional Healthcare Residential College (海地) Living Learning Program (LLP), 在这里查看有关应用程序的信息: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/academics/ihrc. You will also receive information related to becoming compliant with the college this summer (drug screen, 背景调查, 免疫接种要求, 等.). 请监控您的火狐体育下注电子邮件帐户,以便与该计划沟通.

When you accept your seat, you are sending the program your intention to attend UKY and HHS. Therefore, we ask that students only accept their seat in HHS if they plan to attend UK. The HHS program receives hundreds of applications during each admissions cycle and can only offer seats to 140 students. 然而, we recognize that students’ plans change and if you have accepted your seat and change your mind, please let us know as soon as possible so that other students can be offered a seat.

虽然你将在火狐体育下注获得强大的本科基础, coming to UK does not provide you with a better chance of getting into their graduate or professional programs. All applications to UK’s graduate/professional programs are reviewed using the same criteria, 没有偏好. Please visit the graduate/professional programs’ websites to find out more information about their admission criteria, 他们的程序, 他们的能力: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/academics.

HHS项目确实提供AT, PT和药学的并行路径. 如果你对这些选项感兴趣的话, 一旦你开始HHS计划,请与你的顾问交谈.

The HHS program receives hundreds of strong applications during each application cycle and only select cohorts of 140 students each fall. 因此,HHS的申请过程是竞争性和选择性的. 然而, not getting into HHS does not mean you are not a great student or applicant. 我们只有这么多的座位可以让出. Keep in mind that there are many majors at UK that can lead to a future as a healthcare provider. 使用本网站可探索其他主要选择: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/academics/.

是的,你可以重新申请这个项目. See our admissions web page 了解更多信息 on application deadlines and notification dates for our fall to spring admissions cycle and our spring to fall admissions cycle. http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/human-health-sciences/admissions/process

There are many majors on campus that prepare you to pursue a career as a healthcare provider. 使用本网站可探索其他主要选择: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/academics/. 请与火狐体育下注咨询公司(http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/studentacademicsupport/contact-us),以获得更多的支持和探索.

请参考我们网站上的招生标签. All of our admissions cycle deadlines, notification dates, 等等......, are posted there: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/human-health-sciences/admissions/process.

HHS的等待名单没有排名. We review the waitlist at least two weeks prior to May 1 to determine the final invitation list for the upcoming cohort.

We send out periodic status updates for those who are moved from the waitlist to acceptance throughout the admissions cycle. We review the waitlist at least two weeks prior to May 1 to determine the final invitation list for the upcoming cohort. 您最晚将从我们这里听到状态更新的日期是4月30日.

金融援助 & 住房

学生应该在4月1日之前收到他们的助学金信息. 你也可以联系学生经济援助和奖学金办公室 http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/financialaid/contactus 了解更多信息.

CHS不提供奖学金给新生, but does have a scholarship application and options for continuing students in the college; more information at http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/academics/financial-wellness/scholarships

请在这里查看与我们海地 LLP相关的信息: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/chs/academics/ihrc. 火狐体育下注住房信息如下: http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/housing/


Although there are many majors at UK that can lead to a future as a healthcare provider, 卫生与公众服务部是一个不错的选择,因为:

  • 我们是一个小程序. 我们每年秋季只招收140名学生, 这让我们的学生能够更好地了解我们的教职员工.
  • Our students have shared that they feel like the 健康科学学院 is a big family and we are all here to support one another and value an inclusive environment.
  • HHS also provides students with important knowledge and skills essential to becoming a quality healthcare provider, 比如医疗伦理, 健康宣传, 卫生政策, 研究, 文化能力, 等等......, in addition to a solid foundation in math and science and opportunities for applied and engaged learning.

一般, about 3 out of 4 students that apply to graduate/professional programs in their area of interest are accepted. Some students in our program also decide to pursue other post-graduate interests after earning their bachelor’s degree, 比如公共卫生方面的职业, 卫生行政, 公共政策, 法学院, 等等.......

是的,HHS有很多出国教育的机会. In the past, students have studied abroad in France, the United Kingdom, Ecuador, Cuba, and more. Our students work with the education abroad office often to coordinate their education abroad opportunities.

HHS102是一门为学生开设的实习和观察选修课程. 如果你选择上这门课, our site placement coordinator will work with students in the course to secure their placement. 协调员努力将学生安排在他们感兴趣的领域.

是的, typically students who take HHS 102 during their freshman year begin shadowing during that year. Students often find additional shadowing or work opportunities at UK Healthcare during their undergraduate careers at UK.