
的 Office of Technology 服务 (OTS) provides assistance for purchasing 和 procuring technology equipment or services that will be used by the college, 教师, 和 staff in service to the College of Health Sciences.  的 following guidelines are useful in the purchasing 和 procurement process for technology equipment or services.

  • All purchases for technology items must follow normal purchasing procedures 和 rules for the College of Health Sciences.
  • Some technology items or services must be approved by the Office of Technology 服务 in advance of being purchased.  Other items may require OTS指导 prior to purchase.
  • 在一般情况下, the College of Health Sciences will provide one primary computing device for each qualifying 教师 or staff member.
  • Additional devices can be requested for a user.
    • Users requesting the device will need to provide justification using the Secondary Device Purchase Justification 和 Quote Request form. 
    • Approval is required from both the Office of Technology 服务 和 the CHS Office of Finance 和 Administration.
    • Funding for secondary (or more) devices must come from startup funds, 非经常基金, 拨款, 或者部门账户.   
  • 在大多数情况下, the primary computing device for a user will be a st和ard desktop computer from the university’s preferred vendor.
  • Under extraordinary circumstances, 和 with approval of the Office of Technology 服务, a laptop may be used as a primary computing device.
    • 在一般情况下, a tablet may not be used as a primary computing device.
    • If a non-st和ard desktop computer or if a laptop is approved for a user, any additional funds required to purchase the equipment over the cost of a st和ard desktop computer must be provided from 教师, 或者部门资金.
  • Currently, the preferred vendor for computer equipment is Dell.
  • Under extraordinary circumstances, 教师 members may request a computer from a different vendor, 有理由的. 
    • If approved for an Apple computer, a user will be supplied with an Apple desktop computer or laptop with comparable cost 和 features as the st和ard Dell desktop computer or laptop.
    • If approved for a computer from a different vendor, a user will be provided a machine with comparable cost 和 features as the st和ard Dell computer.
    • Any additional funds required to purchase the equipment over the cost of a st和ard desktop computer must be provided from 教师 或者部门资金.
    • Support for non-st和ard computer equipment will be provided by the Office of Technology 服务 under a best-effort support model.
  • Employee computers will be replaced on a four-year cycle.
    • University purchasing guidelines require that a three-year warranty be provided with each computer.
    • 的 College of Health Sciences provides an additional year of support after a warranty ends for each computer.
  • As replaced in accordance with the College upgrade schedule, older machines will be repurposed within the College.
    • Consideration will be given to grant or program needs 和 departmental needs before a machine is dispersed elsewhere in the college.
  • Equipment can be purchased with funds such as 拨款, 非经常账户, 启动资金, 等. in collaboration with any appropriate 教师 or staff member 和 the Office of Finance 和 Administration.
  • Equipment purchased from special funds may not be subject to replacement through the normal refresh cycle.
  • Other considerations will be given to appropriate concerns such as OSPA rules, 等. 适当的.  
  • 教师 or staff members on phased retirement will not be included in the regular computer refresh schedule. Phased retirees will retain their current computer, barring any unresolvable technical issues, 直到他们完全退休.
  • Full technical support will still be available, 和, in the event of computer failure, a functional replacement will be provided.