
Please use the CSDCAS Application System to find the 火狐体育下注 CSD Application. http://csdcas.liaisoncas.com/applicant-ux/ # /Log In

While the minimum admission requirement is a 3.满分4分,满分0分.0, the average GPA of students selected for our program is 3.8. Currently, there is no GRE requirement. Our admission decisions are based on a composite of information about the applicant, 不仅仅是一个因素. The composite includes but is not limited to:

  • 成绩
  • personal achievements/involvement during school or since graduation
  • 服务活动
  • potential to contribute to the cultural diversity of our program
  • 领导
  • 动机
  • 时间管理技能
  • 推荐信

Our application in the CSDCAS portal will by live by October 15th. 传统硕士课程和预修/硕士课程的申请将于2月1日截止, 2024.


Our application through CSDCAS will require the following:

  • 官方成绩单(s)
  • 三封推荐信
  • responses to two written and two video prompts

CSDCAS must verify all official transcripts from anywhere credit has been earned. 在秋季提交成绩单的申请人将有机会在收到正式成绩后提交更新的秋季成绩单, CSDCAS将对其进行验证. More information can be found on the CSDCAS Applicant Help Center page. You MUST be a verified applicant by the deadline to be reviewed for admittance to our program. 



是的, 这些术语是可以互换的,不同的大学使用不同的术语,比如他们的CSD学位. A Bachelor’s degree in speech-language pathology, 言语病理学, communication sciences and disorders, 等. 都是一样的.

The Traditional Master's Program is expected to be 6 semesters of study.  The Pre-Requisite/Master's Program is expected to be 8 semesters of study. 

一些学生在完成另一个领域的学士学位后申请我们的CSD研究生课程. 除了他们的学士学位(在另一个领域),他们还参加了我们所说的硕士学位的“先决条件”课程. The pre-requisite and undergraduate courses at UK include; 临床 Phonetics, 贯穿一生的语言, 演讲 & 听力科学、解剖学 & Physiology of the 演讲 Mechanism, Neural Bases of 演讲 & 语言, 临床 Experience in Communication Disorders, 听力学, 听力康复与语法. 如果学生已经完成了其他领域的学士学位,并且已经完成了所有这些必修课程,那么他们可能有资格申请,就像他们已经完成了语言病理学的学士学位一样.

火狐体育下注的建议和指导,通过电子邮件或致电我们的行政助理在火狐体育下注惩教计划, Mikailyn霍夫曼. Ms. 可与霍夫曼联系 mikailyn.huffman@clarasport.net 或致电859-218-0493. 请注意, 对于已经获得语言病理学学士学位的学生来说,在参加6个学期的课程学习之前,你可能需要完成所有的先决课程.

注册硕士课程的学生拥有语言病理学学士学位或同等学历,将完成硕士学位, 如果成功, 在6个学期的研究生学习. 在另一个学习领域获得学士学位的学生将完成硕士学位, 如果成功, 在8个学期的研究生学习.

鉴于当前的卫生大流行和努力建立一个更公平的入学程序, 惩教署研究生课程将取消GRE成绩,并采用更全面的方法进行考虑. All student applications are carefully reviewed for many factors including, but not limited to; Overall GPA, CSD专业GPA, 荣誉, 奖, 研究经历, cultural and international experiences, 双语, 服务承诺, 写作能力, 领导力的证明, 对职业的热情, 建议的力度, 以及其他广泛的经验和技能,表明你可能会为沟通障碍带来独特的视角.

教师 members who have taught you, 你应该至少写两封推荐信来介绍你的学习成绩吗. 曾在研究、志愿工作或领导工作中与您一起工作过的教师(例如.g., NSSLHA, Student Ambassadors) would also be excellent.

试着选择一个能为你写一封信的人,他可以讲述你可能拥有的其他独特而有价值的经历和机会. 雇主的来信, mentor or someone who has supervised a Study Abroad experience, 市中心体验, 或者在另一个领域的研究经历可能会真正丰富你的申请,让我们看到你带来了什么,使你与众不同或适合我们的职业.

书面提示:你将被要求提供两篇书面回答,每篇不超过3000字. These responses are meant to be brief, and allow you to describe your personal characteristics and your interest in UK. Please follow the directions carefully. 

视频提示:您将被要求提供两个录制的视频提示,每个限制为3分钟. You will upload your video responses to YouTube as an 未上市,但不是私有的, link.  Please follow the directions carefully. 

教职员工通常在3月初到3月中旬开会,对录取做出最终决定. You will hear from us by email before the end of March.

 一般来说, 我们每年收到150-300份申请,每年的人数根据申请人数的不同而不同. Typically we admit 30-35 students per year.

The CSD Department has various training grants and scholarships available. 了解更多. 请参阅我们的 资金的机会 浏览更多信息. 

The 火狐体育下注 Graduate School offers a number of financial support options. 你可以 read about the various financial support options and determine if you are eligible to apply.

也, 火狐体育下注健康科学学院在其网站上有有关支持资金的信息. 点击这里 ,然后选择“学生”,最后选择“奖学金和经济援助”。. 您将再次能够看到各种选项,并确定您的申请资格.

Students and university programs are obligated to make decisions no later than April 15th. 我们可能会要求您提前做出决定,但您有权要求我们等到4月15日. 

一年级的毕业生大部分将在我们的学术诊所在唐娜·莫里斯和艾米·塞尔的指导下在校园内工作. The 2nd year will include 3 semesters of outside clinical/school rotations.

是的, 如果你被火狐体育下注的传统硕士课程或传播科学与疾病的先决条件/硕士课程录取, you will be asked to apply to The Graduate School through Apply Yourself at a cost of $125.00.

另外, you will be required to pay a tuition deposit to accept and hold your place in the Program. 学费押金必须随信附上,表明你接受你在该项目中的位置. 肯塔基州居民的不可退还的学费押金为500美元,非肯塔基州居民的学费押金为1000美元. 该费用将计入你第一学期的学费(夏季或秋季取决于项目)。. If you accept your place in our 研究生项目 and then decline after April 15, 2024 you will not be eligible for a refund of the fee.

For information about tuition rates, please visit http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/registrar/21-22TuitionandFees

UK offers several on-campus living arrangements. 请访问 http://rtccjm.clarasport.net/housing/about-graduate-family-housing for more information, virtual tours, application and frequently asked questions.

Email or call our Administrative Assistant in the UK CSD Program, Mikailyn霍夫曼. Ms. 可与霍夫曼联系 mikailyn.huffman@clarasport.net 或致电859-218-0493.