Admissions Criteria

The 2024-2025 Admissions Cycle opens April 25, 2024, and closes July 15, 2024, for the January 2025 matriculating cohort.

完成地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位是必需的. UKPAS项目不需要特定的学位,也不会偏向某一个学位. 所有申请人必须达到研究生院的最低学术标准,至少为2分.75 institutional undergraduate GPA and a 3.0 Graduate GPA (if applicable). 如果从研究生学位课程中获得至少20个学分,该课程可能允许较高的研究生GPA胜过较低的本科GPA.  (这是招生委员会逐案审查的基础,不保证研究生GPA将被接受.) Your degree must be completed by December 2024 如果在2024年4月中旬开放的2024-2025招生周期申请.

The prerequisites are as stated in the Graduate School Bulletin:  

课程必须从地区认可的学院或大学获得信件成绩,并相当于火狐体育下注课程要求. 不接受及格/不及格成绩,除非在2020年春季,由于COVID(见下面的链接). 如果AP分数相当于火狐体育下注课程的要求以及CLEP学分,UKPA项目也将接受AP学分. You may check the UK AP credit chart for equivalency here and the CLEP chart here. 我们将允许多次重修入学的先决条件课程.  但是,申请人必须获得“C”或更高的成绩才能被接受.  Lastly, exceptions, substitutions, 由于公平的招生政策和认证要求,不允许豁免任何先决条件课程要求. 

For the August 2024 Admissions Cycle, applicants may apply with two outstanding pre-requisite courses, as long as they are completed in a Summer semester term by August 2024. Fall course completions will not be accepted.


Checking Course Equivalency

To determine equivalency with the UK courses listed below, consult the Transfer Equivalency Database. If your course is not listed in the equivalency database, a copy of the course syllabus must be sent to Julia Berry for review of equivalency.  If the course is not equivalent to the UK course number below, then it will not be accepted, and we will not allow substitutions.

Pre-Requisite Courses**

Course Requirement Credit Hour UK Equivalency
General Chemistry I w/Lab 1 Semester + Lab at least 3 CH CHE 109 & 110 w/CHE 111 or CHE 105/111
General Chemistry II w/Lab 1 Semester + Lab at least 3 CH CHE 107/113
Organic Chemistry w/Lab 1 Semester + Lab at least 3 CH CHE 230/231 or CHE 232/232

Human Anatomy* or
Anatomy & Physiology I*

1 Semester (3 hours) or
1 Semester (4 hours)

at least 3 CH ANA 209 or ANA 109 (must be paired with ANA 110 only)

Human Physiology* or 
Anatomy & Physiology II*

1 Semester (3 hours) 
or 1 Semester (4 hours)

at least 3 CH PGY 206 or ANA 110 (must be paired with ANA 109 only)
General Biology w/Lab 1 Semester + Lab at least 3 CH BIO 148, 150 or 152 w/ 151 or 155 lab
Microbiology w/Lab 1  Semester + Lab at least 3 CH BIO 208 or 308 with 209 or 309 lab or 380 lab
Statistics 1 Semester at least 3 CH STA 291, 296, BST 230 or 330, or PSY 216
Psychology 1 Semester at least 3 CH PSY 100
Developmental Psychology 1 Semester at least 3 CH PSY 323 or the former PSY 223 (we WILL NOT accept abnormal or any other psych. course) Must be a full child thru adult lifespan. 

Anthropology or

1 Semester at least 3 CH ANT 160, SOC 101, SOC 255 or HHS 453
Medical Terminology 1 Semester at least 1 CH CLA 131

*A standalone Anatomy cannot be paired with an A & P II course and vice versa. The prerequisite must be taken with their corresponding course (i.e. Anatomy is paired with Physiology or A & P I is paired with A & P II).
**与火狐体育下注课程相当的科学先决条件课程通常是取自生物/化学医学预科课程的课程.  请务必查看我们的转学等效数据库,以确定您学校的课程是否与火狐体育下注课程要求相同. See the link for the database above.

***Prereqs do not have an expiration.  I.E. We will accept courses that were completed over 5 years ago.

申请人必须符合学院和项目的所有行为和技术标准.   Please read here: Behavioral and Technical Standards

UKPA计划在入学期间审查机构本科GPA以及先决GPA. A minimum 2.根据火狐体育下注研究生院的要求,需要75个机构本科GPA.  如果研究生课程至少有20个学分,该项目将允许研究生的GPA超过本科生.  这不包括与课程完成无关的本科后研究生课程.

The University of Kentucky Senate has approved the removal of the GRE requirement to be implemented in the NEXT admissions cycle (2024-2025 Admissions Cycle; Opening April 2024). 申请UKPA不要求任何标准化考试,包括GRE, PACAT, MCAT等.

申请人不需要在CASPA申请中报告任何标准化考试成绩, 因为招生委员会在决定过程中不会考虑考试成绩.

UK Students GRE Prep Seminar

UK's Transformative Learning offers GRE Prep courses. Please refer to this link for more information.

UKPA计划要求与患者接触,然而,没有设定最低小时数. 联络时间可以利用以下(但不限于)医学学科完成:CNA, EMT, CMA, Medical Tech.、专业安宁疗护义工、物理治疗助理、运动训练、文员等. Applicants should obtain hands-on clinical skills such as, but not limited to, taking patient vitals, blood pressure, glucose, administering immunizations, etc. Also, you may go to our FAQ link here 有关获得患者接触经验的更详细信息.  申请人的病人护理经验在申请时记录在CASPA申请中.

Patient contact hours are documented in the CASPA application only. The UKPA program does not require any other documentation i.e. pay stubs, signed forms from preceptors, etc.

申请人必须通过美国心脏协会获得健康提供者基本生命支持认证. Red Cross certifications will not be accepted. 所有学生必须在1月份入学前完成劳工统计局的课程. Click Here 参加BLS提供的在线课程,或者找到你附近的培训中心.

所有进入UKPA计划的学生都必须达到该计划和健康科学学院的某些技术和行为标准. 此外,申请人必须通过背景调查和药物筛选. 如果您对标准、背景调查和/或药物筛选有任何疑问,请联系 Tammy Jo Edge.

Covid-19 Vaccine Protocol

火狐体育下注强烈鼓励接种COVID-19疫苗,但目前尚未强制要求. However, 我们的许多临床合作伙伴和校外课程活动都在需要医疗保健提供者的设施中进行, including PAS students, to be vaccinated. At present, some clinical sites, 包括火狐体育官网入口接受疫苗接种例外大学批准的医疗或宗教原因, but some do not. Thus, without being vaccinated, 我们不能保证你能满足毕业的临床要求. 虽然我们努力与我们的临床合作伙伴合作,以适应每一个学生, this is challenging as guidelines change. 如果你没有达到临床站点的疫苗要求,这可能会影响及时毕业的进展,部门不能保证临床安置.  As an accepted student, if you choose to not be vaccinated, you will be subject to weekly COVID-19 testing, as currently mandated by the University. Further, by accepting admission into our program, 你同意遵守火狐体育下注未来的任何规定.