
How do I get involved in 本科研究 in the 健康科学学院?

  • 搜索CHS本科研究计划网站 目前的机会 找出一个你感兴趣的研究经历. Our hope is that the opportunity you select will contribute to your future education as well as your professional future.
    • 机会被标记为 (OPEN) 是否可以和正在面试的学生寻求帮助.
    • 机会被标记为 (FULL) 你们现在不是在找学生吗.
    • 机会被标记为 (CLOSED) 会被从名单上除名吗
  • 一旦你找到了感兴趣的研究经历, 你应该联系本科生研究主任, Dr. Richard Andreatta通过电子邮件(richard.andreatta@clarasport.net).
    • ​If you don't find anything that is to your liking, try looking at the list again in a couple weeks.  新的研究机会总是层出不穷.
  • Once you have found a research opportunity that interests you, send an email to Dr. 让他知道以下信息:
  • The title of the research experience for which you would like to be considered.
  • 你打算参加哪个学期?
  • Whether you are interested in receiving HHS 455 course credit for the experience or not. 如果你想要学分的话, consider the information in the table below regarding work hour expectations associated with each credit hour
秋季或春季学期 12周暑期班
  • 每周花3-4小时做研究.
  • < 6 hours per week, for 12 weeks, in research.
  • 每周花4-6小时做研究.
  • 每周6-10小时,持续12周.
  • 每周8小时以上的研究时间.
  • > 10 hours per week, for 12 weeks, in research.
  • 收到您的邮件后. Andreatta will confirm with the faculty mentor if space is available in the lab during the time you want to be involved (i.e. the semester).
  • 如果有多余的名额,Dr. Andreatta will contact you with a copied email to the faculty mentor, asking you to contact them regarding a time to meet and interview.
  • After your interview has been completed, the faculty mentor will let Dr. Andreatta know if they believe you are a good fit for the project; LIKEWISE, 在你和导师见过面之后, 如果这份工作对你没有吸引力, contact Dr. 让他知道你的决定. He will then inform the faculty mentor and work with you to find another option.


  • 在你被导师的实验室录取之后, you must let Dr. Andreatta know immediately so that he can send you information on next steps in the process.
  • 也请向Dr. Andreatta the number of credit hours you want to be enrolled in for HHS 455.
    • 注册HHS 455, YOU MUST HAVE APPROVAL FIRST from the CHS Director of 本科研究. 
    • Dr. Andreatta can get you registered in an HHS course if the registration window is closed; however, he has no ability to register you for non-CHS experiential credit (i.e. BIO 395).
  • Lastly, 在研究实验室开始之前, you must complete several mandatory pieces of training as directed by your faculty mentor.

Are there mandatory requirements BEFORE my lab work and research experience can begin?

ALL undergraduates participating in CHS research labs MUST complete the following BEFORE BEGINNING ANY WORK IN A LAB. Verification of completion for each requirement must be sent to Dr. Andreatta to confirm that these requirements were completed correctly.


  • 3 - Students working with human subjects or human specimens MUST complete the 人类受试者保护(HSP) 由火狐体育下注研究诚信办公室提供的培训课程.
    • 使用上述花旗账户进行您的RCR培训, follow the instructions on the following site to find the Human Subjects Protection course needed to begin working in your mentor's lab: http://www.research.clarasport.net/office-research-integrity/initial-citi-hsp-training-irb-approval-faqs
      • 完成IRB*批准所需的HSP培训, 选择“IRB”而不是“RCR”.
        • The RCR (Responsible Conduct in Research) training by itself does NOT meet the training requirement for IRB approval specifically.
          • *IRB代表“院校覆核委员会”.  IRB代表一个由教员组成的管理委员会, staff, and outside participants who review the ethical compliance for all scientific work involving human participants at UK. 没有IRB的批准,任何实验工作都不能在火狐体育下注进行.
      • 进入CITI后,选择 Add a Course 从底部菜单中,然后选择 聘雇委员会培训课程 选项,如果出现此选项. Select 人体受试者保护培训,然后选择 初始人类受试者保护培训.
        • 请确保你正在服用 ONE of the following to satisfy your Human Subject Protection training:
          • Human Research - Group 1 - Biomedical investigators and key personnel - Basic Course    OR
          • Human Research - Group 2 - Social/behavioral investigators and key personnel - Basic Course
  • 3a - Students working with animals in a research lab or with animal tissues, do not need to complete Human Subjects Protection training, but RCR training will still be required. 
    • It is strongly suggested that students successfully complete an IACUC training module on animal care and welfare in research.
      • The faculty mentor will provide guidance on how to enroll and complete the necessary training before beginning your work.
      • Animal training needs are left up to the discretion of the faculty mentor. 
  • 4如果教师导师选择的话, they may require you to take one or more web-based based safety training (WBT) modules.  

What happens after I complete all of my requirements, as listed above?

  • Send documentation of completion of each requirement to your mentor and to Dr. Andreatta.
    • 文档可以以转发的电子邮件的形式呈现, 结业证书的截图, 文件的附件, etc.
  • 与你的导师见面,制定一份正式的 HHS 455 contract 这将概述你的职责和工作. The HHS 455 contract operates as you syllabus for the research experience.
    • 导师和学生都必须签署HHS 455合同 以电子方式提交表格 to Dr. Andreatta.
    • Submission of the contract form indicates that all requirements have been successfully performed and completed.
  • Dr. Andreatta executes (checks and signs) the contract and then sends a copy of it back to the student and the faculty mentor.
    • The student can begin working as instructed by the faculty mentor ONLY 在收到Dr. Andreatta.
  • The student is expected to complete an online evaluation of the HHS 455 research experience at the end of the semester.